Anyone who has had dental cleanings before in his or her life has heard the age-old lecture — don’t drink too much soda and try to avoid sugary drinks when you can, as these beverages lead to plaque and eventual tooth decay.
But the negative effects that drinks like soda and fruit juice can have on your teeth may have been grossly underestimated.
According to a recent study published in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry, soft drinks and fruit juices are the top factor behind severe dental erosion — a phenomenon that takes place when the layer of protective enamel that covers the teeth is eroded away.
Among patients studied, individuals who displayed the worst dental erosion were people who regularly drank soda and fruit juice, Medical News Today reports.
Dental erosion is a serious concern among local dentists and dental professionals, as enamel doesn’t grow back once it is eroded away. When teeth lose enamel, they become much more vulnerable to tooth decay and cavities, which can ultimately result in tooth loss if left untreated.
Even more shocking? The study found that the majority of U.S. adults show some evidence of dental erosion. Among the 3,773 participants studied, 79% of them suffered from dental erosion in some degree. The more a person drank soda or juice, the worse their dental erosion was.
Among those with lower levels of enamel erosion, the study found that these individuals preferred water or milk over soda or juice, according to Medical News Today.
So the next time you get a craving for a tall, cold glass of soda, you might want to opt for a glass of ice water instead. It will make your future dental cleanings quick, easy and painless.
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