Straight Teeth Information You Should Know About Braces For Your Kids

In the United States and around the world, health is important. Many individuals visit their doctors for annual physicals, exercise regularly, and eat well in order to remain healthy. However, there are other actions you must take in order to remain healthy. One of these actions is visiting the dentist or the orthodontist. Getting a teeth cleaning every six months, as well as investing in braces, clear braces, or Invisalign ensures that you’re truly healthy. After all, mouth health is just as important! If you’re a parent whose child needs braces, here is information you should know about braces for kids.

Invisible Braces

To begin, braces were first invented in 1728. The braces during this time period were flat pieces of metal connected to an individual’s teeth by a singular thread. Brackets did not follow braces immediately as they were created in 1915. Many individuals get their braces between the ages of 10-14 years of age. So, children and adolescents are the ones who mainly display braces in their mouths. This is understandable because the purpose of braces are to make the teeth straight. For some children and adolescents, after they lose their baby teeth and their adult teeth come in, they’re not necessarily straight. Some grow in crooked, some are crowded, and others cause an overbite or underbite. Because of this, parents invest in braces for their children. Braces essentially help with the appearance of your child’s teeth. Additionally, braces also help prevent other teeth problems, such as tooth loss, multiple cavities, and tooth erosion. After the braces are taken off, your child will have straight, beautiful teeth.

Although for many years, children and adolescents had metal braces, with the option of choosing their colors when they visited the orthodontist, as years progressed this changed. Nowadays, many children and adolescents prefer invisible braces. Invisible braces, such as Invisalign are becoming increasingly popular. This is for good reason. If you have to get your child braces, it is ideal to consider Invisalign.

Why Invisalign

Comfortable: Some children and adolescents find braces, brackets, and other teeth devices uncomfortable. In fact, many children and adolescents complain about the pain and soreness they feel after getting braces or after getting them tightened. Additionally, it takes awhile for children and adolescents to become accustomed to the braces in their mouth. Therefore, as a parent, you will most likely hear your child complain constantly.

With Invisalign aligners, you do not have to worry about your child complaining, or your child’s pain in his or her mouth. With Invisalign, your child will experience no pain. Invisalign will straighten your child’s teeth slowly, gently, and pain free.

Convenience: Invisalign is known to be more convenient than traditional metal braces as well as brackets. Invisalign isn’t permanently molded to your teeth. This means that your child can take out their Invisalign when need be. Yes, Invisalign is removable! Your child can take out his or her Invisalign in order to brush and floss his or her teeth. Then, your child can place the Invisalign back in the mouth to straighten the teeth once more.

Oral Hygiene: As a parent you may not know this, but traditional metal braces or brackets can hinder oral hygiene which is extremely important. With metal braces and brackets, it can be difficult to remove pieces of food from the teeth. In addition, it can be slightly difficult to brush teeth completely and well. However, Invisalign ensures that your child can keep up with oral hygiene successfully. Your child will be able to brush his or her teeth properly, as well as floss. This means that your child can continue to have white, clean teeth and zero cavities.

Dental Visits: Traditional metal braces require your child and yourself to take frequent visits to the orthodontist. Normally these appointments are for checking the braces, tightening them, and changing the color. However, because of this, you need to make adjustments to your schedule which can be stressful. However, with Invisalign, your child does not have to go to the orthodontist frequently. This not only helps your child, but it certainly helps your stress.

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