Maintaining good dental hygiene is one of the most important things you can do to ensure a healthier body overall — but all too often, it seems like people rely on expensive and painful cosmetic procedures to fix dental problems after they occur. So what affordable and convenient preventative measures can you take instead? Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- This should go without saying, since you probably get a lecture on this every time you visit your dentist, but the best way to ensure proper dental hygiene is to brush and floss your teeth regularly. If you’re part of the 18.5% of Americans who admit that they never floss their teeth, you could definitely still benefit from other convenient dental care products like mouth washes or tongue cleaners.
- Stay away from sugary foods and soft drinks as much as possible, and limit your intake of highly-acidic foods (like lemons). Even when these sugars and acids are coming from “all-natural” food products, they can still cause tooth enamel to wear down and increase your risk of tooth decay.
- If you suspect that you suffer from teeth grinding, make sure to see a dental specialist for an examination and possible treatment immediately. Millions of Americans suffer from this painful problem, and if it’s left untreated, it can cause painful dental health conditions such as broken and sensitive teeth, worn-down tooth enamel, and pain throughout the jawbone, head, and neck. The silver lining is that plenty of products have been developed in response to so many teeth grinders, and the average night guards prescribed for teeth grinding are very affordable and effective.
- If you consume tobacco in any form or smoke herbal substances, you probably already know that this does a lot of damage to your teeth and gums. Not only does smoking directly lead to cavities, bad breath, and yellow teeth, but it’s also been linked to serious issues like oral cancer and heart disease. It may be hard to quit smoking, but the dental hygiene (and overall health) benefits are definitely worth it.
And finally, if you suspect that you have an oral health problem, such as a cavity or ultra-sensitive teeth, make sure to visit your dentist ASAP! It’s estimated that about one in every five children has untreated dental decay, and about 92% of all American adults (ages 20 – 64) have at least one cavity in a permanent tooth. When left untreated, small dental hygiene problems can turn into expensive and time-consuming problems, so although preventative care is key for maintaining good oral health, it’s just as important to have any problems examined and treated immediately. For more information, read this website.