This dentist office could easily be confused for a spa or resort. In the video, Dr. Grant Olson toured this exciting new facility from Innovative Dental.
Everything about the place is different from the average dentist office. It starts with a large lounge area filled with modern furniture, and which is light years away from the cramped quarters normally associated with dentistry. Young children will be fascinated by the interactive visuals projected in a special play area. Older children should find equal satisfaction in the teen lounge section.
Anyone undergoing dental care will no longer have to sit in a closet-sized room. Instead, a large side window will allow them to gaze at the outdoor patio, complete with a water fountain. The facility even has a massage room. Staff members will also be able to take advantage of the spacious offices available for preparation and administrative work.
The building itself should not detract from the services available inside, from cosmetic dentistry and 3-D X-ray equipment to treatment with conventional braces and Invisalign aligners. From its services to its ambience, this is the dentist office of the future.