Someone would visit a dentist for dental problems like decay, pain, extraction, etc. You can visit a braces dental office for more severe problems such as jaw crowding or jaw malocclusion. An orthodontist should be able to assist with your teeth when they are misaligned or if you have other jaw-related issues.
Many people get braces for various reasons but have you ever wondered what a braces dentist called? A braces doctor is called an orthodontist. They focus on the alignment of teeth.
Most people who get braces may need to have them for many months or even years. It doesn’t need to be a dull experience, however. There are colored braces from which people can choose. You can find purple, red, blue, orange, and green braces, among others.
Anyone who wishes to become an orthodontist can attend an academy of orthodontics. They may join after pursuing an undergraduate degree in pre-dentistry or pre-medicine before taking dentistry. Then they would pursue an orthodontic residency program. Before an orthodontist can practice, they would need other forms of certification.
Getting braces initially seems daunting, but it can be fun and beneficial. Get in touch with a dental office today.
Corrective orthodontics is a method used to control the movement of teeth and the device’s attachment through the bone to reduce or eradicate malocclusion. In this article, we’ll discuss corrective orthodontics and what type of treatment it involves. Here are three conditions that can be corrected using orthodontic treatment.
Rostral crossbite
This method is used to retain deciduous incisors. A bite plane is used to keep the patient’s mouth partially open so that the maxillary incisors can slide rostral and the mandibular incisors caudally. A bite shelf is then incorporated in the patient mouth to prevent the incisors from overlapping.
Rostrally displaced maxillary canines
This is an abnormality where the canine tooth erupts horizontally to the lateral incisor. This method is used to reposition the tooth using brackets or lingual buttons on the upper premolars to serve as an anchor. An orthodontist then places a wire with a knob around the crown of the canine tooth.
Base narrow
This is a painful condition that can cause a partial eruption, palatal damage, or root shortening. An orthodontist can correct it by moving cuspids to their normal position.
Are you wondering, “do i need orthodontic coverage?” to see an orthodontist? The answer is yes, and you can use it to cover orthodonic braces and specialty dental treatment. It is worth noting that not all insurance plans will cover braces.
There used to be a time when kids with braces get picked on by their classmates. Fortunately, those days are long gone.
Braces have evolved rapidly, in both design and function. Today, some 4 million Americans are wearing braces, according to the American Association of Orthodontists.
Your orthodontist will present you with the options that are available. And there’s more than one of type of braces to choose from.
You can get the information straight from your child’s dentist. But, it’s always best to have some knowledge beforehand. It’ll be easier for you to choose if you have some general idea about them.
It’s pretty much like doing some research before going to a car dealership. You feel more confident in choosing from the car models available. Read on as we give to you the most common braces for kids that an orthodontist recommends.
Invisalign Braces
Short for Invisible Removable Aligners, Invisalign has over 96% patient satisfaction rate. Because this brace is removable, it’s very easy to clean. Another advantage is that your child won’t have any restrictions on the type of food he or she can eat.
Recent studies also revealed that 47% of Invisalign Teen users surveyed had a boost of self-esteem in the process of treatment compared to just 22% of teens with metal braces.
Compared to other types, Invisalign usually only takes more than a year to correct your child’s teeth. This is another plus that will benefit both you and your child. Because it means fewer appointments and lesser time at the orthodontist office.
There’s one caveat about this type of brace, though.
It’s only recommended for teenagers and older. Although, this is actually a good thing. It eliminates the possibility of a young child removing them on his own and playing with them.
Ceramic Kids Braces
This type of braces is a direct successor of the dreadful metal braces in ages past. It’s the picture that parents usually have in their mind when they imagine their child wearing braces. A stereotyped image often seen in early 90s films.
Ceramic braces have a subtler, unnoticeable look. Although, they still give the same effective results as metal braces do.
This is a great option since your child won’t have the alternative to remove them. The discomfort they experience is temporary, while the benefits they’ll reap is long-term.
Lingual Braces
Lingual braces can have you thinking that they’re designed to fit one child’s tongue. The name is quite a misnomer and it’s much further from the truth.
Lingual braces sit close to the tongue, thus the name. If ceramic braces are almost invisible, lingual braces are well hidden. This is a perfect choice if your kid is too shy to wear braces, because they’re attached on the tongue side of the teeth.
Even if they still use metal brackets, they are well hidden from plain sight. Your child won’t have to worry about food getting stuck on the braces, which is the usual cause of embarrassment. However, it still requires the same type of dental hygiene and care as normal braces do.
Self-Ligating Braces
Braces are notorious for giving discomfort, especially during the first week of use. The metals and rubbers are all working to realign the teeth. This small pressure can be quite unbearable for a small child, especially while eating.
This type looks like a metal brace with one obvious difference. It has no ligature. These are the elastic bands that makes wearing braces unsightly. These bands also add more pressure than necessary.
This is what self-ligating braces address. Instead of using the traditional elastic ties or wires to keep the brace in place, it has a built-in clip that helps prevent discomfort. If you don’t want seeing your child wearing braces that have color bands or elastic ties, you should consider getting this.
Ask Your Orthodontist for the Best Type of Braces
Whether you’re asking your orthodontist Abilene TX or any state, they’ll give you these four types to choose from. Remember to pick one that your child will feel comfortable wearing. This is the most important factor to prevent a dreadful experience.
If you want more information about braces, we recommend that you check the other articles in our blog. You’ll gain more knowledge about them, including how to care for them and how they actually work.