We all know that proper oral health care is crucial for a fantastic looking smile. If you don’t brush or floss daily, then you could be in the market for dentures or tooth removal. Even if you are among the 32% of people who say they’re concerned by the look of their teeth, affordable dentures may be for you.
Before you visit your dentist with questions, we have compiled a list of everything you should know about dentures and how to care for them.
Acrylic dentures have pores
While they may look hard and solid, when put under a microscope you can see smaller pores that resemble the roof of your mouth. This means that there is even more of an opportunity for bacteria growth, and that simply brushing your dentures every night may not keep them clean. This is where an overnight soak comes in — these powerful solutions cankill almost all bacteria while you sleep.
Different foods and drinks can stain your dentures
Severe stains can compromise not only the look but also the longevity of your dentures. Dentists recommend that you stay away from caffeinated beverages such as coffee and soda and try to cut back on drinking red wine. Also, smoking tobacco will stain your dentures almost immediately. If you are noticing any problems, simply ask your dentist about your options for professional denture cleanings.
Dentures may not be the only answer
Considering the fact that dentures are not secured to your mouth, you may have some troubles chewing. In order to prevent them from slipping around, your dentist may recommend that you get dental implants for a few teeth. A few implants will make the dentures less wobbly, so it is important to be prepared for this extra cost. But, it is important to know that insurance does cover affordable dentures, along with emergency dentist appointments, x-rays, and impressions you may be required to have.
For some, getting dentures is quite a nerve-wracking process. Know that when you are in our hands, we will do the best we can to give you the smile of your dreams. Call a dental office now to set up a consultation!