One of the most crucial steps to becoming a dental assistant is to find a job in the dental field. Unfortunately, job hunting can be a frustrating and complicated process.
To help you get a leg up in the job hunting process, here are four things you should consider to be competitive in the dental assisting job market.
- Organize your resume. While you’re still in dental school or you’re finishing dental school, start organizing your resume in preparation for job hunting. Have a grammar-minded friend or a professor proofread your resume for errors, presentation, and formatting inconsistencies. You want to tailor your resume to the jobs you’re applying for, so include relevant work and volunteer experience.
- Clean up your social media. Employers will check out your social media pages not only to make sure you’re professional but also to see if you would fit the company culture. Go through your social media channels and remove any photos or posts you wouldn’t want your potential boss to see.
- Brush up on your phone skills. A growing number of employers screen their job applicants on the phone before bringing them in for an interview. You’ll want to practice how you speak to ensure your voice comes through nice and clear. Practice leaving a professional voicemail too so you’re not caught unaware by a voice recording.
- Use the job placement at your dental school. Some dental schools have a job placement assistance program to help their students find employment at a dental practice. These programs can help you prepare your resume, write a cover letter, perform mock interviews, give clinical reviews, and organize internship and externship opportunities. If your dental school offers job placement opportunities, take advantage of them. That’s what they’re there for.
Are you considering employment at a dental practice?
If you’re considering employment at a dental practice, you’re not alone. According to a survey, up to 70% of dental assistants who hold a DANB’s CDA certification received a raise in their current position.
We offer real-world experience and practical dental assistant training to get you off on the right foot. To learn more about our dental assistant training courses and live clinic training, contact us today.