Many Americans feel insecure with their smiles, with 75% of people feeling that an unattractive smile could harm their ability to attain professional success. The fact of the matter is that, in finding a good cosmetic dentist, you can fix most appearance issues with your teeth. Don’t let a poor smile stop you from achieving your goals.
When Would I Need A Cosmetic Dentist?
Often, the need for cosmetic dentistry is linked to the natural wear and tear of aging, with over half of cosmetic dentists’ patients being between 41 and 60 years old. You may also need cosmetic dental work if you teeth are misshapen, discolored, chipped, or broken. If you feel insecure because of any dental problem, minor or major, a cosmetic dentist can be a good option for you.
Are Dental Implants Safe?
Not only are dental implants safe, they can also be necessary. Dental implants can better align and correct your smile, and are usually a solution for people with missing teeth. Missing teeth are not only embarrassing, but difficult to physically live with, linked to difficulties in eating and speaking. There’s nothing holding you back from getting dental implants.
Why Should I Get Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are excellent options for those who want brighter smiles, with use of veneers increasing by 250% within the last five years. Quite possibly the best porcelain veneers are lumineers, which are very thin and can excellently mimic the natural look of your enamel. Veneers also last between 5 and 10 years, requiring less frequent maintenance than some of their alternatives, while also providing protection.
What Else Can A Cosmetic Dentist Do?
Cosmetic dentists offer so many different options, catering to your needs if necessary. Many older patients require dentures, and end up with less than satisfactory results. A cosmetic dentist offers several different options, including cosmetic dentures and same day dentures. They also provide serves like dental cleanings, dental crowns, and teeth whitening.
There’s nothing to fear from cosmetic dentistry, with many services being more affordable than you’d think, and any health complications being minimal to unheard of. You shouldn’t treat your confidence and teeth appearance as anything less than a top priority. With great-looking teeth, you’ll feel better about yourself and your options.